Snowy Valleys School

Planning and Learning Today for Living and Working Tomorrow

Telephone02 6947 2164

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)  is an evidence-based framework that brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.

Using the PBL (Positive Behaviour for learning) model Snowy Valleys School aims to:

·         Create a safe, caring school environment in which the students are nurtured as they learn

·         Encourage students to take responsibility for shaping appropriate student behaviour

·         Develop socially responsible students

·         Develop students who value themselves as learners

This program is a whole school-based set of expectations which apply across the school in every circumstance and setting in which students learn.


Snowy Valleys School focus on 3 main values: Achievement, Respect and Safety.

Some examples of positive behaviour are;