Snowy Valleys School

Planning and Learning Today for Living and Working Tomorrow

Telephone02 6947 2164

Stephanie Alexander program

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

Our school participates in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, which helps students appreciate the importance of food through lessons in Cooking, Science, HSIE, and Gardening.

Through this initiative, students learn to plant and care for fresh produce, which is later utilized in the cooking program, as well as explore diverse foods from around the globe.

Currently, we have dedicated garden and kitchen spaces for our learning, including raised garden beds, fruit trees, an outdoor learning area, a chicken coop, and five brown chickens. Our kitchen is equipped with multiple ovens, sinks, two dishwashers, and a variety of kitchen utensils.

In  2014, Snowy Valleys School began implementing the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (SAKGP). This initiative is designed to integrate garden and kitchen classes into the school's curriculum. The training our teachers have received has been carefully structured to equip them with the necessary skills to execute the Kitchen Garden Program effectively. The program encompasses garden activities and food preparation, where students create delicious recipes. They grow, harvest, and prepare the food, then come together to taste and share their culinary creations.


SAKGP 2023

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