Snowy Valleys School

Planning and Learning Today for Living and Working Tomorrow

Telephone02 6947 2164

Home-school communication

When students cannot understand messages from their environment and/or get their message across using speech alone, visual systems that incorporate visual supports can enhance and support the student's communication skills.

These home-school communications visuals help students with the home to school routine. 

At Home 

The at home (PPTX 78KB) visuals support students to communicate about their day. 

Needed for school

Visuals can assist students in recognising what items are needed on a day-to-day basis.

Download the Needed for school (PPTX 81KB) for a visual checklist of items needed for school. 

The I need for school (PPTX 78KB) visuals can also assist in identifying what is needed at school. 

Home school diary

The Home school diary (PPTX 319KB) visuals can assist students in communicating and recounting their day.

What I did 

The What I did (PPTX 164KB) visuals chart can assist students in communicating on what they did that day and how it made them feel. 

Today at school 

These visuals aid students in expressing what they felt they excelled in throughout the day and how it made them feel. 

Download the Today At School (PPTX 144KB) for visual assistance in communicating about the day at school. 

Download the Today At School (PPTX 65KB) worksheet for visual support in communicating about the day at school. 

Weekly record chart 

The Weekly record chart (DOCX 19KB) allows parents and teachers to communicate through messages about a students behaviour both at home and school.