Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) relates to all the tools and strategies that we use with people who have little or no speech.
Communication supports may include the use of no, low or high-tech supports. Below is a list of low tech visuals for students and careers to support communication.
The colour sign visual
Not all students are able to communicate verbally, and the Colours sign visual 1 (DOC 69KB) helps support students interacting using sign language.
Image: Colour sign language visual
The colour sign visuals 2
Not all students are able to communicate verbally, and the Colours sign visual 2 (DOC 67KB) helps support students to interact using sign language.
Image: The kindergarten vocabulary with illustrations
Communication cues
The Communication cues (PPTX 217KB) provides a visual aid for students and teachers to prompt students on the full spectrum of communication in the classroom.
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