Snowy Valleys School

Planning and Learning Today for Living and Working Tomorrow

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Low tech visuals

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) relates to all the tools and strategies that we use with people who have little or no speech.

Communication supports may include the use of no, low or high-tech supports. Below is a list of low tech visuals for students and careers to support communication.

The colour sign visual

Not all students are able to communicate verbally, and the Colours sign visual 1 (DOC 69KB) helps support students interacting using sign language.  

The colour sign visuals 2

Not all students are able to communicate verbally, and the Colours sign visual 2 (DOC 67KB) helps support students to interact using sign language.  


Early childhood routine 

The Early childhood routines (DOCX 88KB) can help students adjust to new behaviours and new routines. 


The Prepositions (PPTX 93KB) can help a student understand how to bridge the gaps in communication.

Feelings representation 

These Feelings (PPTX 125KB) images provide your students with visual representations on understanding and managing their emotions. 

When I speak to the class for news

The Tell news (PPTX 93KB) helps students communicate in the classroom.

The Voice meter 

The Voice meter (DOCX 62KB) helps to provide students with a visual framework to help manage their vocal volume in various situations. 

My Classroom voice

The My classroom voice (PPTX 111KB) assist students in understanding that appropriate volume to communicate in different environments.  

The Kindergarten vocabulary 

The Kindergarten vocabulary (PPTX 318KB) visuals can remove confusion and difficulties comprehending information (instructions) from others.

Communication cues 

The Communication cues (PPTX 217KB) provides a visual aid for students and teachers to prompt students on the full spectrum of communication in the classroom.