Snowy Valleys School

Planning and Learning Today for Living and Working Tomorrow

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Behaviour plans

Behaviour plans are a combined effort between a student's parent or carer and their school support team. 

Behaviour plan overview

One of the most important ways that school can be helpful to people with autism is tracking behaviour when they are in a different environment. Parents and carers cannot be at school all of the time, so it is essential that they may work with their child's learning support team to understand how their child may behave when they are not around. 

Behaviour plans come in two sections: a behaviour support plan information collection kit, and a positive behaviour support plan.

Behaviour support plan information collection kit

Parents and carers fill out the information collection kit to give an overview of different student behaviours. These behaviours are separated into four sections.

Section one goes over triggers for certain behaviours. For example, many children with autism have challenges with changes to routine or intense sensory experiences (such as very hot or cold foods). These triggers can lead to the student exhibiting challenging behaviours throughout the day. 

Section two asks that escalation in behaviour, such as the progression from a student looking anxious to moving closer to staff. 

Section three asks for an explanation of behaviour, such has the frequency of the behaviour and the level of concern. 

The information collected in this form is essential for teachers to understand how best to intervene in situations where a student may be uncomfortable.

Furthermore, in the fourth and final section of the form, parents and carers may suggest the most effective course of action to handle certain behaviours. 

Download this Behaviour support plan information collection kit (DOCX 792KB) for more information.

Positive behaviour support plan

The positive behaviour support plan works in conjunction with the information collected from parents and carers. In this form, learning support staff may outline specific challenging behaviours and make a plan of action to support positive behaviour in the future. 

Download this Positive behaviour support plan (DOCX 46KB) for more information.